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Wonder Woman

“It’s about what you believe. And I believe in love. Only love will truly save the world.” Diana Prince, more popularly known as Wonder Woman says and very strongly believes in this saying. Thus, it is on this very thought that the latest edition of Wonder Woman movie is based. Since this was an original story of one the heroes from the Justice League, some may argue that the movie was rather ‘drab’. But I beg to differ. The movie revolves around how Diana Prince, the daughter of Zeus, travels to “Mans World” to finish what she believes, her kind had started. Fighting alongside men in a war to end all wars, Diana discovers her full powers and her true destiny. Don’t let the sedate start of the movie deceive you. The movie is undoubtedly filled with many action-packed scenes and mind-blowing twists. It’s interesting to see how the DC universe is merged with Greek mythology in the movie, although the storyline in the original comic book may vary. It is also the first female-led superhero movie in this particular era. It depicts that Wonder Woman is not all love and peace, because when evil strikes, she strikes back…hard! It gives us a glimpse of what exactly her powers are and how she wields them. However, there are instances in the movie which proves that problems can be resolved not only using power but instead, through endearment. I personally had a wonderful time watching this film since it was very different from the basic superhero movies that have come out over the years. I think it is a ‘must watch’ for all DC fans as it brings us closer to the blockbuster Justice League movie that is coming out soon. And if you’re not a DC fan, Gal Gadot will make you one- not only of the comics but also of her adorable self!

– Varun Venugopal

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