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What do you do When words fail you, But emotions claw at the nape of your neck, Asking to be poured out, without syllables giving a helping hand? Do you strum your guitar till every chord is pulled out of you Or do you brush all your emotions down onto a blank canvas Or perhaps take up a workout routine?What do you do when life doesn’t hand you lemons, or anything at all? Do you strive to find the path, the constellation where every star shines for you? Or give up on life and think that you are lost?What do you do when you are lost? What do you do when you have a poem to fill with words, elaborate metaphors and emotions but your heart and mind have become and empty void?What do you do when memories don’t knock before entering, and catch you in a vulnerable moment? Do you let them corrode you with their happy giggles or infect you with the sad past?What do you do, When words fail you, But emotions claw at the nape of your neck, Asking to be poured out, without syllables giving a helping hand? Do you dance to the rhythm of your emotions? Or suffocate them till they stop being pumped your heart?What do you do when you feel numb? Do you fall in a bed of rose petals and let them carry you into your dreams? Or do you prick yourself with the thorns of reality, just to feel alive?What do you do? Because I’m lost. -Aarushi Z.

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